

2013年3月3日 星期日

KM Independent Watchmaking

KM Independent Watchmaking

About American Watchmaker Keaton Myrick:
Keaton was born and raised in the heart of the beautiful Pacific Northwest and was taught watchmaking in the horologically rich Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. Before beginning his watchmaking education he worked for MKII Watch Company, gaining invaluable experience in the industry. Keaton then attended the Lititz Watch Technicum, graduating in 2007, gaining his WOSTEP certification, AWCI certification and the coveted LWT Diploma. Keaton learned the art of traditional watchmaking and was instrumental in helping his class build a precision pendulum clock as a class project rarely seen in watchmaking schools today. Upon graduation, Keaton worked for Rolex USA in one of its service centers learning from industry leaders how to service some of the world’s finest timepieces. Today he works from his workshop in Sisters, Oregon making fine watches by hand, one at a time.

This is surprising luxury independent watchmaker watch, it comes from the United States; Many people look forward to this new watch,at least, I'm interested it is,now.really .... 

來自於美國賓夕法尼亞州的獨立製錶師 Keaton Myrick,這是一枚屬於他自己所開發的第一枚腕錶及機芯,自2007年從Lititz Watch Technicum畢業後,再自學得到WOSTEP的認證,同時間美國製錶協會AWCI 也頒發LWT專業認證給他,這是難得可貴的科班專業學生;印象中,對於獨立製錶很多人都直認為是歐洲的天下,對於美洲倒顯得一付不太信任的態度,但是如果仔細的回首過去美國市場自己所創立開發的品牌,我們應該不難了解,美國其實對於傳統製錶也有他們的堅持與態度的;從這枚新的腕錶看來,確實讓我直看出大量手製的味道,這是獨立製錶的基本精神,我喜歡這樣的質感;不管從德國銀製做的錶盤及配件來看,Keaton他在細節拋光上,也花了不少的時間,目前除了發條及游絲是委外購買,剩下的都是由他自己一個人來完成;除此,他本人也接受個別化單一訂作鐘錶及古董鐘錶的修復工作,我等著看到實錶,若有機會再好好的分析講解一番囉...

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